2005-07-21 07:29:51 UTC
Sorry if this is a question already answered, but I couldn't find this on
google, this list and the manual, searching for "LINK (without) ($CFLAGS)"
The fact is that after running autoconf and automake, the makefile tries to link
while also putting $CFLAGS on the command line. I checked that the ($CFLAGS)
directive was also present in Makefile.in, so I guess that rules out an
automake issue then. I, however, do not know whether this is a libtool or
autoconf issue.
Now, gcc handles compiler flags on the command line well when linking, but 'ld'
on a Tru64 machine doesn't :-)
So my question is, is there a simple way to only include ($CFLAGS) when
compiling, and only ($LDFLAGS) when linking, NOT ($CFLAGS)?
For the record, the (I hope) relevant lines in configure.in are:
Oh, and by the way, I tried setting LDFLAGS to "" using AC_SUBST, but that
didn't help either :-)
[ QUOTE configure.in ]
# Checks for programs
# Checks for header files.
{ SNIP }
# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
{ SNIP }
# Checks for library functions.
{ SNIP }
#create include variable
#create compiler options
AC_SUBST(CFLAGS, "-g -O -Wall -ansi")
[ /QUOTE ]
and my Makefile.am:
[ QUOTE Makefile.am ]
bin_PROGRAMS = synop_zzz
synop_zzz_SOURCES = synop_zzz.c
synop_zzz_LDADD = @top_srcdir@/generic/libgeneric.la
INCLUDES = -***@top_srcdir@/generic -***@top_srcdir@/bufr_parser
[ /QUOTE ]
google, this list and the manual, searching for "LINK (without) ($CFLAGS)"
The fact is that after running autoconf and automake, the makefile tries to link
while also putting $CFLAGS on the command line. I checked that the ($CFLAGS)
directive was also present in Makefile.in, so I guess that rules out an
automake issue then. I, however, do not know whether this is a libtool or
autoconf issue.
Now, gcc handles compiler flags on the command line well when linking, but 'ld'
on a Tru64 machine doesn't :-)
So my question is, is there a simple way to only include ($CFLAGS) when
compiling, and only ($LDFLAGS) when linking, NOT ($CFLAGS)?
For the record, the (I hope) relevant lines in configure.in are:
Oh, and by the way, I tried setting LDFLAGS to "" using AC_SUBST, but that
didn't help either :-)
[ QUOTE configure.in ]
# Checks for programs
# Checks for header files.
{ SNIP }
# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
{ SNIP }
# Checks for library functions.
{ SNIP }
#create include variable
#create compiler options
AC_SUBST(CFLAGS, "-g -O -Wall -ansi")
[ /QUOTE ]
and my Makefile.am:
[ QUOTE Makefile.am ]
bin_PROGRAMS = synop_zzz
synop_zzz_SOURCES = synop_zzz.c
synop_zzz_LDADD = @top_srcdir@/generic/libgeneric.la
INCLUDES = -***@top_srcdir@/generic -***@top_srcdir@/bufr_parser
[ /QUOTE ]