Trying to run autogen
Erik Moe
2016-12-12 18:52:03 UTC
I’m new to autogen/autoconf. I’m trying to build urjag on macOS Sierra: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/urjtag/svn/trunk. I initially tried to build using the latest autoconf, automake, gettext provided by homebrew, but I keep getting an error "unknown channel m4trace: -1- AS_VAR_APPEND(ac_configure_args, " '$ac_arg’”)”. I then built my own copies of autoconf, automake and gettext using the versions that were specified in the configure.ac: autoconf-2.64, automake-1.10 and gettext-0.17. Either way I get essentially the same error. Could someone give me some direction as I don’t have much experience in this area. I’ve attached the configure.ac file.

./autogen.sh .
autoreconf: Entering directory `.'
autoreconf: running: autopoint --force
autoreconf: running: aclocal --force -I m4
main::scan_file() called too early to check prototype at /Users/emoe/Projects/BusBlaster/dist/bin/aclocal line 603.
Use of uninitialized value $msg in concatenation (.) or string at /Users/emoe/Projects/BusBlaster/dist/bin/autom4te line 1024.
unknown channel m4trace: -1- AS_VAR_APPEND(ac_configure_args, " '$ac_arg'")
at /Users/emoe/Projects/BusBlaster/dist/share/autoconf/Autom4te/Channels.pm line 634.
Autom4te::Channels::msg('m4trace: -1- AS_VAR_APPEND(ac_configure_args, " \'$ac_arg\'")\x{a}', undef, 'warning: ') called at /Users/emoe/Projects/BusBlaster/dist/bin/autom4te line 1024
aclocal: autom4te failed with exit status: 1
autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 1

autoreconf failed.
