Need help with autoconf generating Makefile.in for a simple X Windows program embedded within an Emacs Lisp program
Robert Weiner
2016-07-28 21:40:59 UTC

I am looking for someone to help me finish off an autoconf setup for the
OO-Browser: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/oo-browser/ which will be
released publicly soon after we finish this part off.

It is mostly an Emacs Lisp package but uses as a subprocess, an X Windows
program that graphically displays trees output by the textual OO-Browser.
I have an existing Makefile for this program, called xoobr, and have
started applying the various auto-configuration tools to it but need help
finishing it off. It should be very simple for anyone experienced with
autoconf and I will send the complete source code to you to work on.

Thanks much,

