Check perl module
Rudra Banerjee
2016-09-24 08:55:09 UTC

In my configure.ac, I want to check in this perl module exiftool (http:
) exists as:

AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)

But this is giving error:

./configure: line 4071: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 4071: `AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)'
What is going wrong here?

For reference, here is my complete configure.ac

AC_INIT([mkbib], [0.1],[],[mkbib])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9.6 dist-bzip2 subdir-objects])
AM_PATH_GTK_3_0([3.4.0],,AC_MSG_ERROR([Gtk+ 3.0.0 or higher
AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)

Gavin Smith
2016-09-24 09:59:09 UTC
Post by Rudra Banerjee
./configure: line 4071: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 4071: `AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)'
What is going wrong here?
This error shows that the AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES macro has not been
expanded in the configure script. You have to make sure that that
macro is available to autoconf when it runs. Maybe you need to use
aclocal for this.
Rudra Banerjee
2016-09-24 14:02:16 UTC
Thanks a lot.
Do you know if there is a similar things for python(3) modules?
Post by Gavin Smith
Post by Rudra Banerjee
./configure: line 4071: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 4071: `AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)'
What is going wrong here?
This error shows that the AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES macro has not been
expanded in the configure script. You have to make sure that that
macro is available to autoconf when it runs. Maybe you need to use
aclocal for this.
Thomas Jahns
2016-09-25 22:14:50 UTC
Post by Gavin Smith
Post by Rudra Banerjee
./configure: line 4071: syntax error near unexpected token
./configure: line 4071: `AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES( Image::ExifTool, ,)'
What is going wrong here?
This error shows that the AX_PROG_PERL_MODULES macro has not been
expanded in the configure script. You have to make sure that that
macro is available to autoconf when it runs. Maybe you need to use
aclocal for this.
As a matter of style, you also might want to quote Image::ExitTool and
remove empty arguments as in:


