test project example -help with builddir configuration
2013-11-16 04:35:21 UTC
Ok to anyone who is an expert on autoconf / automake, perhaps you can
solve this.

I was having problems integrating doxygen into a complex
autoconf/automake project so I redid it with a very simple example, the
helloworld c++ example attached:

Here is my problem:

if you configure inside src directory it works and make doxygen-run (for
latex / html) produces a doxygen output.

But when i switch to a fresh build directory and then try to configure
outside the sourcedir it fails with :
[***@localhost build-hello]$ make doxygen-run
make: *** No rule to make target `../helloworld_cc-0.5/doxygen.cfg',
needed by `doxygen-doc/helloworld_cc.tag'. Stop.

how do I configure it better so it will work in a build dir as well?

Thank you ,

Peter Johansson
2013-11-18 00:24:40 UTC
Hi Dave,
Post by dave
But when i switch to a fresh build directory and then try to configure
make: *** No rule to make target `../helloworld_cc-0.5/doxygen.cfg',
needed by `doxygen-doc/helloworld_cc.tag'. Stop.
You set @DX_CONFIG@ to $(srcdir)/doxygen.cfg but you don't have that
file, becaue you have a $(builddir)/doxygen.cfg.

Easiest is probably to change how @DX_CONFIG@ is defined, but I haven't

Hope that helps,
Peter Johansson
Dave Erickson
2013-11-19 00:40:58 UTC

So in Oren's m4 file this is the target referenced for DX_CONFIG

# .PHONY: doxygen-run doxygen-doc $(DX_PS_GOAL) $(DX_PDF_GOAL)
# doxygen-run: @DX_DOCDIR@/@***@.tag
# doxygen-doc: doxygen-run $(DX_PS_GOAL) $(DX_PDF_GOAL)
# @DX_DOCDIR@/@***@.tag: $(DX_CONFIG) $(pkginclude_HEADERS)
# rm -rf @DX_DOCDIR@
# $(DX_ENV) $(DX_DOXYGEN) $(srcdir)/$(DX_CONFIG)

I think it calls doxygen in the process of building target PACKAGE.tag;
but it reference the srcdir relative to current.

the value of DX_CONFIG is set on the initialization command present in


# Files:
AC_SUBST([DX_CONFIG], [ifelse([$2], [], Doxyfile, [$2])])
AC_SUBST([DX_DOCDIR], [ifelse([$3], [], doxygen-doc, [$3])])

I don't think changing the file name is a good idea in
DX_INIT_DOXYGEN so how would I change the target call above to make a
builddir/doxygen.cfg and then execute it?

My thought was a conditional command

# if [ "$builddir" != "$srcdir" ] ;
# $(DX_ENV) $(DX_DOXYGEN) $(builddir)/$(DX_CONFIG)
# elseif [ "$builddir" == "$srcdir" ]
# $(DX_ENV) $(DX_DOXYGEN) $(srcdir)/$(DX_CONFIG)

also a conditional AC_SUBST inside configure.ac that reflects the same
choice to make a builddir config if needed but keep the doxygen.cfg
@srcdir@ since that is the location of the files under inspection
but I haven't written a script in 5 years...so forgive my ignorance.


Post by Peter Johansson
Hi Dave,
Post by dave
But when i switch to a fresh build directory and then try to
make: *** No rule to make target `../helloworld_cc-0.5/doxygen.cfg',
needed by `doxygen-doc/helloworld_cc.tag'. Stop.
file, becaue you have a $(builddir)/doxygen.cfg.
haven't tested.
Hope that helps,