Please add an option to fetch missing pieces online
Jeffrey Walton
2018-02-01 03:47:09 UTC
Please add an option to fetch missing Autotools pieces online. Below,
there is no reason to torture me for these things. Autotools should be
able to find everything it needs on its own. If it can't find them
locally, then go get them from the network.

$ git clone https://github.com/libidn/libidn2.git
$ cd libidn2.git

$ git checkout libidn2-2.0.4
$ autoreconf -f -i

Copying file po/quot.sed
Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin
aclocal: error: couldn't open directory 'unistring/m4': No such file
or directory
autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 1
Vivien Kraus
2018-02-01 06:31:48 UTC

You are building libidn2 from a git checkout. It is a little more
complicated than running autoreconf, so the maintainer put a script
named "bootstrap". You should run that one. It will fetch many things
from the internet.

However, it looks like you want to compile a released version of the
software. So in fact you do not need to run the autotools at all,
since you can download the full distribution here: https://ftp.gnu.org/
Post by Jeffrey Walton
Please add an option to fetch missing Autotools pieces online. Below,
there is no reason to torture me for these things. Autotools should be
able to find everything it needs on its own. If it can't find them
locally, then go get them from the network.
$ git clone https://github.com/libidn/libidn2.git
$ cd libidn2.git
$ git checkout libidn2-2.0.4
$ autoreconf -f -i
Copying file po/quot.sed
Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin
aclocal: error: couldn't open directory 'unistring/m4': No such file
or directory
autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 1
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