Initializing a Project with GNU Autotools
Shawn H Corey
2014-09-06 20:35:32 UTC
I have created a work flow diagram of how to initialize a project. It
is in SVG, so your renderer may not get the fonts correct.

Don't stop where the ink does.
Paul Eggert
2014-09-08 17:35:11 UTC
Post by Shawn H Corey
That looks much nicer than what's in the Autoconf manual now. Some

With Firefox all I got from the above URL was a PNG image. I assume SVG
is somewhere but it wasn't obvious where to get it.

How would you recommend editing the SVG file? We'd want it to be

The .SVG image can be put into the Autoconf manual, as described here:


Is that something you could do?

Finally, would you be willing to assign the copyright for your
improvements to the Free Software Foundation, so that we could install
them into the Autoconf manual?

Shawn H Corey
2014-09-08 18:30:52 UTC
On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:35:11 -0700
Post by Paul Eggert
That looks much nicer than what's in the Autoconf manual now. Some
With Firefox all I got from the above URL was a PNG image. I assume
SVG is somewhere but it wasn't obvious where to get it.
Oops. I thought I posted both. They're on my Google site at
Post by Paul Eggert
How would you recommend editing the SVG file? We'd want it to be
I used Inkscape to create it. <http://www.inkscape.org/en/>
Post by Paul Eggert
Is that something you could do?
Don't know. Haven't tried anything like that. :)
Post by Paul Eggert
Finally, would you be willing to assign the copyright for your
improvements to the Free Software Foundation, so that we could
install them into the Autoconf manual?
The license is CC 3.0 BY-SA unported.
Don't stop where the ink does.
Eric Blake
2014-09-08 19:10:15 UTC
Post by Shawn H Corey
Post by Paul Eggert
Finally, would you be willing to assign the copyright for your
improvements to the Free Software Foundation, so that we could
install them into the Autoconf manual?
The license is CC 3.0 BY-SA unported.
Thanks, but we'd prefer that it ALSO be available under GFDL 1.3+ to
match the rest of the autoconf manual; doing this is easier if you are
able to assign copyright to the FSF (you can still distribute your
original under your choice of license as part of the copyright
assignment agreement, but the FSF then has rights to use the licensing
that best works for the FSF). For more on copyright assignment:

Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org